A Bequest in Your Will
Your gift can be as little or as much as you want after remembering family and friends. Any small amount can make a difference! Decide the type of gift you wish to leave. The main types include;
1. Residual
The remainder of your estate after considering your loved ones.
2. Percentage of Estate
A gift expressed as a percentage of your estate.
3. A specific Gift
A specific gift which can be money, property or stocks and shares.
4. Whole Estate
This comprises your entire estate and is usually left by those without beneficiaries or those wanting to achieve something very significant.
We suggest you talk this over with your family. This will help them understand why this gift is important.
Talk to you solicitor about the type of gift that best suits you and your estate. Gifts to charities are exempt from taxes.
Most common way to leave a gift in your will: Specific Bequest
Click here to download a specific bequest form to complete and give to your solicitor.